Tag: Santa Claus

Your Word of the Week: Philosophuncter

Our travels and other commitments have made it difficult to blog consistently, and we figured that if we can’t bring a Word of the Week on a reliable weekly schedule, it was better not to do it at all. But now we’ve decided it’s time for World Lexicography Headquarters to bring back this important feature, so that all of our readers can be made better people.

And this is a word you need!

philosophuncter (n.) – one who pretends to know more than he actually does.

Because we presented this word during the holiday season, our sample usage drenches you in a bucketful of ice-cold Christmas cheer:

If someone tries to control your behavior by claiming to know if you’ve been bad or good, he might just be a philosophuncter.

A related word is philosophaster, which signifies a superficial or incompetent philosopher. Chances are you’ve run into a few of those as well. But that doesn’t bring in the notion of outright fraud the way philosophuncter does.

Use this fantastic word in a sentence this week! (If you can pronounce it.) We look forward to hearing how it goes. And as always, listen to xersradio.com each Thursday at about 5 to 7 pm, Central time, and be the first to know your next Word of the Week! (The WOTW usually appears at around 6.)

Note: broadcasts have been sporadic of late, because the studio is sensitive to the northern Indiana weather. If you tune in and don’t hear the familiar sound of Gint threatening to stab Chris in the eyeball with a #2 pencil, that probably means there has been weather.